Theory: Food isn't the only thing I'm hungry for.
I felt empty,my stomach wasn't full. Eating...for once wasn't a solution,after cooking my meal,I noticed I'm still not satisfied. My pains weren't due to lack of food,but lack of a fulfillment in other areas. Deep when I can distinguish how when my thought processes are not clear my body is affected. Ah the joys of being me. Knowing yourself enough to know the moment something is off... great right? I believe the strength people once possessed is gone,not completely but greatly. By a show of hands who's in touch with their inner emotions? (Think about it) How comfortable are you with who YOU are to acknowledge when your unhappy,feeling wonderful, or feeling that the world is against you? If we all were able to acknowledge our true emotions, Doctors like me wouldn't exist(Fact)
I welcome this feeling, of not being completely sure, but at the same time I address it QUICKLY. there is no maybe things will change, the world doesnt allow us to function that way. As Darwin says "survival of the fittest" so my fellow theorist, welcome unsure emotions,let them show to others as you deem fit. To yourself acknowledge ALL emotions,embrace all feelings....
“A man who is master of himself can end a sorrow as easily as he can invent a pleasure. I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”--Oscar Wilde
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