Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lets join hands in a circle!.....

 There's few things I need other people for,growth is one of them. I do have maybe two best friends that are outside of my family. Many people I consider friends,close friends even but best friends are limited. Three of my best friends are my family members (my sister and two cousins).
Titles,my sister used to say once she gave someone a title they would do something to lose it. Now that's a person who can hold a grudge so once you mess up its over! I used to think why is she so hard on people? Don't she realize people will make mistakes,this was said to me in my teenage years. During that time I was just a clown,I hung out with whoever and close friends were many. As an adult,I realize she was right! Yes HEART you were right. If I would have continued to think that 'friends' are suppose to make mistakes,I would be like too many people with the tainted friends. Yesterday I was told I didnt play the right friendship role for a certain situation,after I ranted about that accusation, I laughed to myself. There's SO many people I've met over the years and we click but then something happens and their gone. Is this one of those situations? 

There's few things I need other people for,growth is one of them.
I wouldn't call myself friendly,but I love meeting new people,there's certain people I stay away from, and that has yet to come back to bite me. That leads me to prejudge. Anyway I think people assist in the growth we experience. "No man is an Island" right? That's true but every friend isn't a true friend. Growth is constant however it could be rapid or slow. Watch those around you, they assist in your growth whether you realize it or not.

There's few things I need other people for,growth is one of them.
 Dr.Mika doesn't like change,YUP but I welcome it,and changes in attitudes makes me take a few steps back, I mean this is only life.....I can't run yours,you cant run my thoughts.
I must say that I never question myself as a friend,I'm always there for whoever,even the stranger who handed me his cell phone because he was lost over the weekend *__*

*que sera sera*.....WE are the controllers of our destinies and YOU need to remember every action has a reaction...

Now how will I go about clearing up this mishap with my "friend" I'm going to give myself more time,maybe study for my exam,or take my quiz that's due by 2pm....but time heals all...even my ego *that is all*

Monday, October 18, 2010

"Why Do We Love,Love"

Theory: I seem to have a lot of answers when it comes to love, except my love life.

Relationships are nice, but when do you stay or go? Lets look at the good first. Having someone to call,someone who shares your interest, can finish your sentences,engage in meaningful conversation,someone who compliments your drive,make you laugh etc... Its beautiful,  all the sweet things,but what about when that person makes you cry?,want to scream? has you not acting like...YOU. 
When is enough,enough.
Most people say you(the person going through the situation/relationship) know when to walk away,when you've had enough. BUT what if your enough isn't healthy? What if him bringing you down isn't "enough",him lying,cheating,abusive in any aspect just has you trying harder to make things work. 

Dr.Mika thinks..
Relationships take work,A LOT of work. The dynamics of any relationship is tainted or glorified by what we see and hear from others
Love shouldn't hurt, love is a sacrifice.
Love has no monetary value, everything should be 50/50
Love doesn't walk away and come back when it feels like it,not if its REAL 
Love takes time, it isn't forced, or rushed.
If you love someone it doesn't mean you have to stick around, the love they give may be venom when it gets to you
Just think...
What satisfies the love I need may not satisfy the love someone else needs and looks for.

"Just cause I love you, and you love me, It doesn't meant that we're meant to be"

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hunger Pains

Theory: Food isn't the only thing I'm hungry for.

I felt empty,my stomach wasn't full. Eating...for once wasn't a solution,after cooking my meal,I noticed I'm still not satisfied. My pains weren't due to lack of food,but lack of a fulfillment in other areas. Deep when I can distinguish how when my thought processes are not clear my body is affected. Ah the joys of being me. Knowing yourself enough to know the moment something is off... great right? I believe the strength people once possessed is gone,not completely but greatly. By a show of hands who's in touch with their inner emotions? (Think about it) How comfortable are you with who YOU are to acknowledge when your unhappy,feeling wonderful, or feeling that the world is against you? If we all were able to acknowledge our true emotions, Doctors like me wouldn't exist(Fact)
I welcome this feeling, of not being completely sure, but at the same time I address it QUICKLY. there is no maybe things will change, the world doesnt allow us to function that way. As Darwin says "survival of the fittest" so my fellow theorist, welcome unsure emotions,let them show to others as you deem fit. To yourself acknowledge ALL emotions,embrace all feelings....

A man who is master of himself can end a sorrow as easily as he can invent a pleasure. I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”--Oscar Wilde