Friday, December 24, 2010

First I must say that its hard to sit and write everyday, and my post are becoming further and further apart. *sad face*

 THEORY: Change is NOT always good...

Today is Christmas Eve and I'm not feeling it! What happened to the cheerfulness, the smiles, the family time and the season of joy. Its not the same at all. I went out today and just wanted to scream to everyone BE HAPPY,SMILE. Facebook was no better, today was still miserable for some. Although I passed up a family holiday party, there was not much to remind me that tomorrow is Christmas....Of course I was with other family members all day,but we do this regularly. Is it because I'm no longer a child? Even the children I passed and know don't seem to excited. What does this mean?

When I was younger, my Christmas spirit started right after Thanksgiving with simply putting up the Christmas tree. From then on, something was done almost daily to prepare for Christmas Eve and Christmas day. Putting more candy canes up, making some type of cookie, writing out cards, watching a movie, wearing the hats. It was just something to remind us of those special days to come. I want to say the excitement wasn't all about the gifts...that was a big part, but my mom just made it so much more! I feel old saying times are changing, but its reality....a harsh one. In a few more years,what will Christmas be like? Of course no one can steal your joy and holiday spirit...let me rephrase that, you should let anyone steal your joy or holiday spirit. IT WON'T EVEN SNOW! Gosh!......If you do nothing else, during this time try and bring a smile to another persons face,put differences aside, spend time with family....
oh how I miss my childhood, but my hopes are still high that the spirit will return, I just wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS and to just enjoy themselves....if only for one day....most importantly remember WHY we are celebrating : )
As I end this, my mom calls me to help make peanut butter cookies from scratch : )
Be safe and enjoy--Dr.Mika

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A long time coming....

Wow it's been a minute but I'm back!! Missed me?

Sheesh In the last month there's been alot going on, last I left there was "friend" drama...well....not worth speaking on. But I have learned yet another lesson! Yes!.....Today's topic *looks around* RACE

I've decided that race is still a HUGE issue to some. I'm not speaking on racism(that may always be around)....
To what extent are you comfortable around different races? Many people have asked me why I didn't chose a HBCU well I feel the "real world" doesn't only consist of one race so why should my surroundings? I recommend a diverse college/university for anyone especially if their high school was not racially diverse.

When I attended one of my high schools,it was predominately white. There were some classes where I was the only black student and did I feel the pressure? Yes and No, sometimes I felt the need to defend my race and culture and that I did. Other times it wasn't an issue the color of our skin. Did I mention today is the 55th year anniversary of Rosa Parks arrest? I loved my school, but I detested the word minority....Some people held that word with to high profile and standard, I just looked at it as a classification that explained stereotypical behaviors. I'm all over the place with this,forgive me : )

I was speaking to someone today,on the 55th year anniversary if Rosa Parks arrest and we spoke on how uncomfortable she is around whites. I was shocked. I consider myself diverse, I have all races of good friends, and to think this person didn't complete  something because she felt intimidated being the only black person in the room *gasps* What does that really say about an individual? How can someone successfully emerge in corporate America like that?
In some cases we learn that we, as in African Americans have to stick together,have to help our Sisters and love our Brothers...ok thats good and dandy on paper but to what extend do we allow ourselves to be closed minded with that.
Random misplaced be continued....oh and no spell check,dudes I'm tired

Ok so I just came in from walmart and it was an annoying experience. While I'm in the 'burbs and don't expect everyone to be friendly I've never been stared down as much as today! These ladies(they weren't together) just seemed annoyed that "we"(as in Blacks,as in my step mom and I) were  breathing their air. Normally when one individual is acting a little rude,giving me stares I walk it off. I mean even in 2010 everyone is not racially adjusted(that is a funny way to word it but hey....) I was stared down by then grown behind woman, we just KEPT running into each other, each time she would roll her eyes,or throw her item in her cart like she was upset!!..SERIOUSLY lady! So I just made a few remarks loudly,very big of me right? NO! I should not have let it bother me too much,but it did! Walking out of "wally world" I was so upset,mood change and all! After I voice WHY I was upset,I felt better,even as I'm writing this, there is this feeling that things are just not as "changed" as they seem. And you know what, I LEARNED AND NOW UNDERSTAND WHY...WHY SHE FELT THE WAY SHE DID!!!(reread the entire post)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lets join hands in a circle!.....

 There's few things I need other people for,growth is one of them. I do have maybe two best friends that are outside of my family. Many people I consider friends,close friends even but best friends are limited. Three of my best friends are my family members (my sister and two cousins).
Titles,my sister used to say once she gave someone a title they would do something to lose it. Now that's a person who can hold a grudge so once you mess up its over! I used to think why is she so hard on people? Don't she realize people will make mistakes,this was said to me in my teenage years. During that time I was just a clown,I hung out with whoever and close friends were many. As an adult,I realize she was right! Yes HEART you were right. If I would have continued to think that 'friends' are suppose to make mistakes,I would be like too many people with the tainted friends. Yesterday I was told I didnt play the right friendship role for a certain situation,after I ranted about that accusation, I laughed to myself. There's SO many people I've met over the years and we click but then something happens and their gone. Is this one of those situations? 

There's few things I need other people for,growth is one of them.
I wouldn't call myself friendly,but I love meeting new people,there's certain people I stay away from, and that has yet to come back to bite me. That leads me to prejudge. Anyway I think people assist in the growth we experience. "No man is an Island" right? That's true but every friend isn't a true friend. Growth is constant however it could be rapid or slow. Watch those around you, they assist in your growth whether you realize it or not.

There's few things I need other people for,growth is one of them.
 Dr.Mika doesn't like change,YUP but I welcome it,and changes in attitudes makes me take a few steps back, I mean this is only life.....I can't run yours,you cant run my thoughts.
I must say that I never question myself as a friend,I'm always there for whoever,even the stranger who handed me his cell phone because he was lost over the weekend *__*

*que sera sera*.....WE are the controllers of our destinies and YOU need to remember every action has a reaction...

Now how will I go about clearing up this mishap with my "friend" I'm going to give myself more time,maybe study for my exam,or take my quiz that's due by 2pm....but time heals all...even my ego *that is all*

Monday, October 18, 2010

"Why Do We Love,Love"

Theory: I seem to have a lot of answers when it comes to love, except my love life.

Relationships are nice, but when do you stay or go? Lets look at the good first. Having someone to call,someone who shares your interest, can finish your sentences,engage in meaningful conversation,someone who compliments your drive,make you laugh etc... Its beautiful,  all the sweet things,but what about when that person makes you cry?,want to scream? has you not acting like...YOU. 
When is enough,enough.
Most people say you(the person going through the situation/relationship) know when to walk away,when you've had enough. BUT what if your enough isn't healthy? What if him bringing you down isn't "enough",him lying,cheating,abusive in any aspect just has you trying harder to make things work. 

Dr.Mika thinks..
Relationships take work,A LOT of work. The dynamics of any relationship is tainted or glorified by what we see and hear from others
Love shouldn't hurt, love is a sacrifice.
Love has no monetary value, everything should be 50/50
Love doesn't walk away and come back when it feels like it,not if its REAL 
Love takes time, it isn't forced, or rushed.
If you love someone it doesn't mean you have to stick around, the love they give may be venom when it gets to you
Just think...
What satisfies the love I need may not satisfy the love someone else needs and looks for.

"Just cause I love you, and you love me, It doesn't meant that we're meant to be"

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hunger Pains

Theory: Food isn't the only thing I'm hungry for.

I felt empty,my stomach wasn't full. Eating...for once wasn't a solution,after cooking my meal,I noticed I'm still not satisfied. My pains weren't due to lack of food,but lack of a fulfillment in other areas. Deep when I can distinguish how when my thought processes are not clear my body is affected. Ah the joys of being me. Knowing yourself enough to know the moment something is off... great right? I believe the strength people once possessed is gone,not completely but greatly. By a show of hands who's in touch with their inner emotions? (Think about it) How comfortable are you with who YOU are to acknowledge when your unhappy,feeling wonderful, or feeling that the world is against you? If we all were able to acknowledge our true emotions, Doctors like me wouldn't exist(Fact)
I welcome this feeling, of not being completely sure, but at the same time I address it QUICKLY. there is no maybe things will change, the world doesnt allow us to function that way. As Darwin says "survival of the fittest" so my fellow theorist, welcome unsure emotions,let them show to others as you deem fit. To yourself acknowledge ALL emotions,embrace all feelings....

A man who is master of himself can end a sorrow as easily as he can invent a pleasure. I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”--Oscar Wilde

Tuesday, September 28, 2010



“Two things awe me most, the starry sky above me and the moral law within me.”--Immanuel Kant

Children are precious
I was home for the weekend and had a ball with my niece! She recently started school(2yrs old) and I can already see how its helping her develop. She's using words that shock me, and she says them clearly. Like 'pay attention' she had me going with that. I've watched two of my three nieces grow up closely from birth and I must say children are precious! Their jewels! How a parent can harm their child is painful to know. Their so innocent,they can't defend themselves. My nephew is 1 and is My old man. He's picking up on words and try to copy our sentences. My godson who's three knows his mother's phone number and was saying his shapes to me. This is stuff they weren't doing when I left a few weeks ago,(maybe the shapes) and even I notice this HUGE change.

Again;children are precious! They grow and learn at a fast pace. I can't wait to be a mother.(Well time wise I can,) but I am ready for the challenge, experience,etc. To me parenthood is wonderful.
While reading a book with my niece, a story broke on the news saying a motherand child was hit by a car. My heart broke. Her baby was 21months and didn't make it. The car kept going. her injuries were not severe. We all only have God to answer to and surely this person will have some explaining to do. As a parent to lose a child has to be hard(for lack of a better word),and my heart goes out to the parents and family.

No moral for this one: the driver sure has none...

Monday, September 27, 2010

Theory: huge difference between friends and family

There is a huge difference in the dynamics of family and friends. Family is forever. Blood is involved. We share more than any friend,even if its not acknowledged. It amazes me how after so much,my family is still number one. To say it amazes me extends to me taking more of their bs than anyone else. Things I've gone through with family,I wouldn't tolerate in a friendship. I was just talking to my best-friend who is also my blood cousin about how friends don't understand family. They don't understand how issues are resolved differently. If I'm arguing with family, we sort things off different than a person I'm 'cool' with. There's not that whole, you argued and can't be around each other anymore. Or if I say one thing then we square things out I'm two faced. Point is, it happens. Surely it does with siblings. In my family, there's always something. But I wouldn't trade then for the world! Not for a man, a friend, or money. It just doesn't work that way. Because when friends have been foul, my family has backed me. When times were ruff we stuck it out together. Its just that simple.

What's the thin line between loving them,and taking the UNNECESSARY bs? I'm still figuring it out. I don't mind too much not knowing. I can still fully achieve what I set out to do without losing an ounce of love for them.
Remy Ma said "My inner most,ya'll be the ones who sin the most"......I believe this is true, also the ones most forgiven : )
Moral : Don't happy : )

Thursday, September 23, 2010

You get the Buddy and the Booty--Brown SUgar

Theory : " In love, Love those who Love you back"

I'm happy with who I am,therefore I won't submit to the poor level of love {he} is attempting to give. Who said I have to be with him? I don't believe its written for us to be together. Love isn't forced. Love is timeless. For years this has been entertaining while we were friends the hints etc. Now its annoying having to put a title above your name. No I won't, I'm not a geek for love. If it don't work,it don't.
Can a guy and girl truly only be friends?
EVERY guy friend I've had at some point wanted more. (Unless they weren't into women) and with that comes annoyance. Does that mean they all can't handle no? All of them can,this guy just CAN'T. So I think I'm just going to do the 'grown up thing'(w/e that means) and just send him away...AGAIN! Oh this is what the millionth time he's been deleted off fb,bbm etc. I'm sure I'll direct him to read this, so when you(insert initials here) do, know that I have love for you, but we could never work, and if being with you is the only way to have you around, I guess you have to go. I enjoy our time together, but only as friends. After this I'm almost certain he'll just delete me. We're so grown up right? 
Dr.Mika believes he's being kept around because I don't want to lose our friendship,but do I really need a friend who cuts off communication when he finds a gf? and throws a picture in my face(insert childish ways here) that had to be about the silliest thing he's done. Do I need a friend who wont even hear how the "changes" make me feel? He just believe that change is inevitable?
 Moral to this story  "Don't always share your fries, the person maybe greedy and keep coming back"-- that has NO relevance,but it flowed lol!

*takes serious face off*
Heyyyy to my semi circle of theorist : )

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Theory: when life gives you lemons, make chocolate chip pancakes- dr.mika
*semi-serious face*

The true saying is 'when life gives you lemons,make lemonade' well I don't like lemonade that much! I barely drink it however I do love chocolate chip pancakes. If the saying is true,then that means  make the same thing everyone elses does out of the situation(yea I could take a different spin but I won't).Why would I  make the same thing out of the same situation and get the same result as everyone else? why can't I make whatever I'm in the mood for?(which is almost always chocolate chip pancakes) follow the saying that goes "learn from your mistakes". This holds individual lessons which I think are more efficient in the whole learning aspect.
*moral, go for what you want,not what they say*
: )

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dude I hear you!..

Theory of the day: when your in college at 3am,at least one person is still up, : meaning : keep your moans down.
I'm not too sure if I should be laughing at this but until I figure out if this is ethical,I'll continue to do so. Last night or rather this morning I was up at 3am (the mom was in the hospital,Thank Goodness she's ok ) so after we wrapped up our conversation,I hear something,moans to be exact. At first I'm thinking like my room mate is getting it in behind our thin walls,I thought we had an agreement. Soon after I notice that the noise is coming from outside,(sorry roomie)I'm like well good thing some body is getting some *__* 
They were loud noises and I had to close my window (ugh the heat,they had more than me though lol)
I still haven't decided if they were better sounding than the crow that wakes me up every morning.
*silently walks away* 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

I've finally decided to allow others in on my secrets to life. Not so much so...More so my opinions,theories and case studies. Sound good? Only thing is,I'm going off of  my inner most precious possessions:my mind and heart. I lack a degree but I'm working on it. Sophomore in college,not even close to it but I'm there(hence the name). 
Its been real everyone :looks around the empty room and smiles:

ps. DON'T take life serious,I mean it only has 4 letters and 2 vowels( think about it)