Saturday, July 7, 2012

Wisdom Does Not Always Come with Age

This morning I was conversing with an associate who is about 10 years older than me, I always find these conversations interesting because when we disagree her reasons are age, experience and wisdom in my case lack there of. The topic this morning was men. Disclaimer, when I find women with these ideologies, I associate it with bitterness and insecurity.After explaining something that was happening with a guy friend of mine she tells me :
1. To read Steve Harvey's book Think Like a Man
2. All men cheat
3.As long as it is not done in her face, then she does not care
4. I disagree with her because I am young, she is experienced and has wisdom...

 Crazy right? First, she suggested the book because it would help me to understand men better, I disagree, the movie simply had the women change their behaviors. I do not feel that I need to think like a man in order to get, or keep one. If I thought like a man then this becomes a game. Recently, after seeing the disasters of a relationship from two people very close to me, I've concluded that you MUST love a person the way THEY want/need to be loved....Love is specific not general. For instance, all women do not need to be housewives in order to keep a man, look a certain way, talk or behave a certain way. (My opinion) Anywho, the thought of following the rules of thinking like a man will leave a woman attracting the sameee type of men! Brings me to her second statement....

All men cheat well has she been with all men? I find that women attract men with similar characteristics and then make them the examples of all men...that is the most unrealistic thing ever. Just like if you find men who are from the same area, background, or into similar hobbies, they may be conditioned to exemplify similar behaviors. It's not that all men cheat, I think it goes back to loving a man the way he wants, most women say well I cook, clean and give it up daily...well is that what he wants? or needs? did you forget he was stressed, has emotions, needs a listening ear? Of course you did because you were so busy thinking like a man right?

Next, women accepting a man cheating because he does not bring it home and still respects her enough to keep it outside of the household (she also mentioned wrapping it up and not bringing babies home) Is this the best that it gets? He comes home at night, provides and its OK to dip off on his lunch break to get some? I do not believe he has an ounce of respect. Of course he does not bring it to the home front, it would be the biggest argument and he would chance losing his consistent female...I am disgusted that a woman, who is not even married(no it does not make it better) and could lose this man today or tomorrow to the next woman(although it would not be a total lost) is accepting of this behavior. Times have changed, when family dynamics were much stronger and harder to fold women did accept this, but at a time when men/women are not in that same mindset, why would you accept this?

Lastly she insulted yes insulted my intelligence due to my age. I would not say its because of lack of experience, everything mentioned above I would never be ok with. I have been cheated on once, and out of all the guys I dated(the number is not as high as it sounds lol) he was the one who was different from what I usually went for. I lack wisdom well some women in their 60's are just as naive as 13 year olds, yes a person who has learned from adversity, been around and LIVED the wisdom they have I can only hope i'll have someday but right now, I know I am wise in my choices and the way I behave(for the most part). I strongly dislike when anyone says that due to my age I can not understand something. I CHASE knowledge, and I pass on what I learn, I try to get as many views as I can, I love diversity and so forth, I can say when we just do not agree and leave it at that. Yes all of this has been tested recently but I understand now. To be quite honest, if  her views are the ones that seperate myself and wisdom then I am very thankful and blessed. : )
Although that sounds like I am insulting her, I am not. I understand WHY women have these ideologies, mine is just different.


  1. Nice ideas put together. The love of wisdom search for knowledge. Keep up!!

  2. I see you were passionate about this topic. I loved your personal reflection, and how you challenged her ideology/authority. Wisdom is always bias for it is thoughts of one persons own lens. Continue to let you light grow, but seek first to understand, then to be understood. Everyone may not be prepared to think against the masses when you expressing/teaching them haha.

  3. Forgive me! I never realized that there were comments! (my first two) Thanks guys! And I agree with you both, thinking for myself is great, while hearing others ideologies is interesting haha : )
